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If you get a tennis scholarship and go live your American dream, you can expect some differences with the French system. First, training schedules will be established by the coaches in accordance with the NCAA training rules. A tennis player should expect to practice at least 5 days a week, from 3 to 5 hours a day, knowing that a minimum rest day is mandatory. This higher level of training received as part of university practice in the USA makes it easier for students to achieve higher levels of fitness and performance than they have the ability to achieve in France. American universities offer athletes support from coaches and physiotherapists as well as the equipment necessary for the practice of high level sport (physiotherapy rooms, cold baths, electrostimulation devices, pressotherapy boots,...)

Schedule : The season takes place during the spring (January to May). On the other hand, there may be pre-season matches during the fall (September to December).

Example of a typical day



6am: Alarm clock

6:30am - 8:30am : Training

8:30am - 9am : Care/kinetic

9am-10am: Breakfast, change of clothes

10am-12am: Classes


12pm-1pm: Lunch break

1pm-3pm: Classes

3pm-4:30pm : Work out

4:30pm-6pm : Studies

6pm-8pm: Free time / Dinner

Video credits : FloTrack Youtube Channel

The conditions for obtaining a scholarship

To be a high school graduate (all sectors)

To pass the TOEFL (English test) and other admission tests (SAT, GRE, GMAT)

To have a good academic level

To have a national level of performance

To be motivated and not be afraid to go out of your comfort zone


Titre 1

Photo credits : Gopher Men's Tennis Instagram account

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