About Adèle Magaud
" I love running, I really love running, I feel the need every day"
Sport: Track & Field
Citizenship: France
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 04/05/2000
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 116lbs
Graduation year: 2018
Placement year: Fall 2019
Current club: Martigues Sport Athlétisme
Current coach: Remi De Rossi
Personal Records:
10k: 36:37 (2019)
3000m: 10:19.61 (2019)
1500m: 4:44.11 (2019)
800m: 2:21.72 (2019)
High School name: Lycée Paul Langevin
TOEFL: Taking early June 2019
ACT: Taking early June
GPA: According to NCAA guidelines, Adèle's GPA would meet U.S. requirements
Desired Major: Engineering / geology, hydrology
Regional Champion U20 - XC
119th place at Nationals U20 - XC
22th place at Nationals U20 - 3000m
Regional Champion U20 - XC
District Champion U20 - 800m
District Champion U20 - 1500m
District Champion U20 - XC
24th place at Nationals U18 - 3000m
Vice Regional Champion U18 - 3000m
Regional Champion U18 - 3000m

Request information
Why should I recruit you ?
I want to serve your university by devoting my athletic and intellectual capabilities. People often describe me as rigorous, serious, organized, perfectionist, observative, determined and with endurance. I always try to be the best version of myself. These qualities have helped me reached the first part of my goals, I hope to accomplish the second part by your side !
Athletically, I am very capable, as shown by my recent results on 10k (36’37), which ranks me 3rdin France in my age group (U20). But not only have I good endurance, I also work a lot on my speed, and even though it isn’t my best asset, I never lose to my opponents in the final stretch ! What’s more, I love running, I really love running, I feel the need every day and I do not count the training sessions nor the kilometers every week. I’m not afraid to put the miles in. I believe that with time and patience, one will always reach their goal !
Why do you want to compete at US Colleges?
As a student in France, it is hard to conciliate between sports and studies. I am quite lucky that my school has let me reduce the regular number of classes to be able to train on the side.
But even with a bit more time than a regular student, I don’t have a training group close to my school nor good infrastructures.
Thus, I admire the U.S. systems which helps student-athletes combine theses activities and which puts both at the same level, taking sports very seriously.
Moreover, running for a university, for a team, with regular and dense competitions will certainly make me psychologically stronger. I like to run individually, but even more for a team. I feel that we are lacking these values in France. The training conditions in the US are amazing and I dream of accessing them.
Finally, I would like to run in the USA because I believe that it is an exceptionally enlightening experience on all plans ! Discovering new culture, new language, new sports methods…
What do you want to achieve in Track/XC?
This summer 2019 :
1500m : 4’35
3000m: sub 10’
5000: 17’30
As for 2019-2020, I want to be part of a cross country team in the US.
In XC, I want to show what I am capable of, fight for my team and take it to the best level in the nation !
On the track, I want to try myself indoor as I never got the opportunity to compete in an indoor track. For indoor and outdoor I want to run the 1500m, 3000m and 5000m.
My goals for next year will be :
1500m : sub 4’30
3000m: sub 9’50
5000: sub 17’30
What’s more important for me is to become stronger mentally, fight all my weaknesses which did not allow me yet to fight for a podium at XC Nationals in France. Running with a team will help me for sure !
College and life goals?
Beside sports, I wish to settle in well with this new life in the States and to become fluent in English quickly.
Academically, my goal is to pursue a Bachelor’s in renewable energy engineering, or in geology / hydrology in a respectable school. Academics is what matters the most to me. I have always given my best at school to bring high grades to join prestigious schools and I hope to keep going this way !
Anything to add?
I am calm, sweet and tolerant person. I listen to people, I am autonomous (I have been a girl scout since I am 11), and organized. Thus, I will find my way in the US though I am young.
I am extremely motivated to live an incredible experience ! I love challenges and I will make the necessary sacrifices in order to fulfill my dream of becoming a student-athlete in the United States !