About Arthur Berthelin
"Running is my passion. Moreover, I’m very complete because I run from 800m to 10km and I have fun on each and every distance."
Sport: Track & Field
Citizenship: France
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 05/08/2000
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119lbs
Graduation year: 2018
Placement year: Fall 2018

High School name: Lycée Camille Claudel
TOEFL: to be taken soon
SAT: to be taken soon
GPA: Pending on NCAA evaluation
Major: Business/Design
Current coach: Gfeller Samuel
Personal Records:
800m: 2'02 (indoor)
1000: 2'36"07 (2018)
1500m: 4'09"95 (2018)
3000m: 9'06(2017)
10k: 34'54 (2017)
2018 :
Vice District Champion U20 on 800m indoor
Departemental Champion U20 on 1500m indoor
Departemental Champion for age 16-17 on 3000m
2016 :
District Champion for age 16-17 on 2000m steeplechase
District Champion for age 16-17 on 1500m indoor
Vice District Champion for age 16-17 on XC

Why I should recruit you ?
I think that a coach can select me because I practice track and field since I am 6 years old. Therefore, this sport is a passion for me. Today, I’m very complete because I run from 800m to 10km and I have fun on each and every distance. In my opinion, to progress a group is essential.
That's what I'm looking for primarily by going to the USA. I think that training in an environment like the one that could be offered to me could help me to improve.
For me, my main asset is to always want more.
Why do you want to compete at US Colleges?
I want to compete at a U.S college because in France the conditions to perform in competitions aren’t easy. In my case, I live in a place where competitions don’t attract many people. It’s too complicated to make big races because there are too big level differences.
What is really interesting in U.S colleges is the team mentality who help to go further and further.
In France they are only two team competitions per year. Because of this problem, I decided to compete at U.S colleges to do more Team competitions.
What do you want to achieve in Track/XC?
In the U.S, I would like to continue my progression and choose the discipline in which to specialize with the help of a coach. I would also like to progress technically because I do not feel sufficiently advised currently.
I want to participate to cross-country championship and run the 1500m preferably.
When I started in track, I was more successful in cross-country with notably a 5th place in the semi-finals of French championships. That’s why I aim to return to my level of expectations in cross-country. However, I really hope to break my personal records during my time at the university that will host me.
College and life goals?
Indeed, if I go to an American university it's not just for sport. Today, learning English is the most important thing and it’s for that reason that I decide to do my studies in the USA to become fluent in English. To succeed in my university studies, I decided to move towards a commercial and marketing sector. If I have the opportunity, I will also learn about design.
I want to go to this sector of study to further develop a project that I started in 2016.
This project is the creation of a sports brand whose manufacture is French. I have already worked with several world famous French athletes, but I do not intend to stop there.
Going to a university to do sports might allow me to network and why not export the brand internationally.
Anything to add
I went two times in the United -States for holydays and I love the American culture. That the reason why I choose to go in the U.S college. I also had great feedbacks from Martin and other athletes who studied in this country.