About Charles Guigon
" I’m a competitor. I have team spirit. I’m respectful and right. I can be a leader."
Sport: Track & Field
Citizenship: France
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 07/06/98
Height: 5'9"
Graduation year: 2017
Placement year: Fall 2019
Current club: EA Bourg-en-Bresse
Personal Records:
1500m: 3:54.13 (2018)
800m: 1:54.39 (2018)
1000m: 2:28.62 (2018)
3000m: 8:55 (2017)
10km: 33:06 (2018)
High School name: Lycée Saint Pierre
GPA: According to NCAA guidelines, Charles's GPA would meet U.S. requirements
Current university name: Institution des Chartreux
University entering year: 2017
Major: Accounting/ Finance
9th place at National Championships 1500m
Regionnal Champion 1500m
Injured (8 months)
3rd at Regionnal Championships 1500m
3rd at National Academic Championships

Request information
Why should I recruit you ?
It is necessary to recruit me because I’m a competitor. I have team spirit. I’m respectful and right. I can be a leader. I like to work hard to reach my goals. I have positive mind. I’m very complete: I can run 800m as 10km, I am at the moment 1500m runner, in order to develop my speed. I think and my coach also thinks that I’m a 3000/5000 meters runner. I have always participated to the French championship of cross country in different age categories.
Why do you want to compete at US Colleges?
I want to compete at the U.S college because :
- It would be an opportunity for me to able to conciliate sport and studies.
- To discover another culture and a country which attracts me.
- I like the idea to discover another approach of my sport.
- To be fluent in English
What do you want to achieve in Track/XC?
My achievement in XC is to help the team by giving my best for the university which will choose me. On track, I want to be the fastest possible to pass under the 3'45" mark in 1500m and to make 1'50 " for 800m. this season I will run short cross country. I may be doing few indoor races, if my preparation is going well. This summer I will run the 1500m mainly I hope to get under the 3'50 mark which seems possible.
College and life goals?
My college and life goals is to make a BBA in management and finance to become a financial and administrative manager or a CEO of company. After my BBA I would like study a Master's degree in France or in the USA.
Anything to add ?
I am really motivated by this project, I have a good margin of progress at the sports level and I am convinced that training in the USA will allow me to develop me as an athlete but also as a person.